this is great!! but i have to let you know that NG games are fucking lame and everyone is a child. BUT!!! great, i might download this.
this is great!! but i have to let you know that NG games are fucking lame and everyone is a child. BUT!!! great, i might download this.
makes me sad
This is making me sad, the song is apparently very good, and for some reason my computer isnt working.... :( i want to listen...
seems the guitar was the same sounding throughout the whole thing, and if this is an intro, its not very...building up suspence. more like dronning on. But sounds like it took loads of hard work. Bet you learned a thing or two in the making of this.
long time
this song hasnt been commented in long time, so i thought i would,
This song reminds me of carebears....but on light drugs and dancing.
Why? i have no f***ing clue.
screw them, YAY
im on my sisters computer, but hell, im downloading this
lol ur awesome xD
I do.
make it longer, and i will marry it. hehehe, like a penis.....
remember me? XD probably not... oh well, ive been going thro some of ur music, and ive noticed, that alot of your music has the same touch to it, the vocal sounding noise, %u266Aooooh ahhhh, uh ooooh ahhhh%u266A
not that i dislike it, its good, but tip in advance, try something fresh :)
(hope that isnt taken as downcasting, not meant to be)
Take something fresh :P. Oh trust me, you will hear something that is slightly different from what I generally do very soon :P.
Thanks though, surprised somebody has even noticed it.
good job
good job! nice first song.
oh really?
black? no? vampire? ah thats nice. shut the fuck up
your reply to that kid!
hahaha, slap that smartass bitch!!!
Anyways, yea, im feeling the title abit... abit...something else i think 'd fit it better...cant place my finger on it... maybe, nah. lets say you got it! :D 7/10
Im here on NG to listen to some great music. Ive only heard one song i didnt like, so all you artist, YOUR AWESOME! and all you faggots in the game and flash zone, prepare for a blamming.
Joined on 5/31/08